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Deep Dive into the Processing Phase

podcast Aug 14, 2024

In this episode, Dr. Lloyd focuses on Phase 4 of EMDR therapy—the processing phase, where the core of the memory work takes place. This phase is often where clients experience significant shifts, making it both a challenging and transformative part of the therapy process.

In This Episode, You'll Learn:

  • What to expect during a Phase 4 EMDR session
  • The role of bilateral stimulation (BLS) and the different methods used, including eye movements, tactile devices, and auditory cues
  • How memories and emotions can resurface during processing and why this is a crucial part of healing
  • Techniques for managing and processing difficult emotions that arise during the session
  • The importance of allowing your brain to guide the process and trust in its ability to heal

Key Highlights:

  • Dr. Lloyd explains the science behind bilateral stimulation and how it helps the brain process traumatic memories.
  • The various forms of BLS available and how they cater to different client needs
  • Insights into how EMDR therapy differs from traditional talk therapy, emphasizing the non-verbal nature of much of the processing work
  • Real-world examples of how clients have navigated Phase 4, offering hope and encouragement for those currently undergoing EMDR therapy

Resources Mentioned:

  • Techniques for grounding and self-soothing during intense processing moments
  • Additional readings on EMDR and bilateral stimulation for those interested in learning more

Contact and Feedback:

  • Have questions or want to share your experience with EMDR? Reach out to Dr. Lloyd to have your questions featured in upcoming Q&A episodes.
  • Note: This podcast provides general information and is not a substitute for individual medical advice. Always consult with your therapist or healthcare provider for personalized guidance.

Subscribe & Stay Connected:

  • Don't miss upcoming episodes where Dr. Lloyd will continue to explore each phase of EMDR therapy, with next week’s focus on Phase 5: Installation.
  • Follow the podcast to stay informed about the latest discussions and insights into EMDR therapy and mental health.

Join Dr. Caroline Lloyd as she guides you through the processing phase of EMDR, helping you understand how this powerful therapy can lead to deep emotional healing and resilience. Thank you for tuning in!