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Understanding the Eight Phases of EMDR Therapy

podcast Aug 09, 2024

In this episode, Dr. Lloyd dives deep into the eight phases of EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing) therapy, providing a comprehensive overview of what to expect during your EMDR journey. Whether you're new to EMDR or looking to deepen your understanding, this episode is packed with valuable insights.

In This Episode, You'll Learn:

  • A detailed explanation of each of the eight phases of EMDR therapy
  • How history-taking (Phase 1) sets the foundation for a successful EMDR journey
  • The importance of preparation (Phase 2) and developing coping skills
  • Target assessment (Phase 3) and identifying specific memories to work on
  • The desensitisation phase (Phase 4) where the actual memory processing occurs
  • Installation (Phase 5) and reinforcing positive beliefs
  • Body scan (Phase 6) to integrate physical sensations with emotional healing
  • Closure (Phase 7) to ensure stability and readiness to move forward
  • Re-evaluation (Phase 8) to review progress and plan future sessions

Key Highlights:

  • Dr. Lloyd explains how EMDR therapy is more than just the memory processing phases (Phases 4-7)
  • The dynamic and fluid nature of the therapy, where phases often interweave and adapt to the individual's needs
  • The collaborative aspect of EMDR, emphasising the partnership between therapist and client
  • Real-life examples and analogies to help demystify the process

Resources Mentioned:

  • EMDR International Association (EMDRIA)
  • Books and articles on EMDR by Dr. Francine Shapiro, the founder of EMDR

Contact and Feedback:

  • Have questions or want to learn more about EMDR? Reach out to Dr. Lloyd for personalised advice or to get your questions answered in future episodes.
  • Note: This podcast provides general information and is not a substitute for individual medical advice. Consult your doctor or therapist for personalised recommendations.

Subscribe & Stay Connected:

  • Don't miss future episodes where Dr. Lloyd will delve deeper into specific phases of EMDR, starting with Phase 4 in the next episode.
  • Follow the podcast to stay updated on the latest insights and expert discussions on EMDR and mental health.

Join Dr. Caroline Lloyd as she breaks down the intricacies of EMDR therapy, making it accessible and understandable for everyone. Thank you for tuning in, and take care until next time!