One on One

EMDR Intensives

This is a new format of therapy which is change focussed and short term. Intensives are suitable for people who want effective change now and have the ability to work in a concentrated way. Together we choose  suitable targets and work on this using EMDR to stop the event from negatively impacting your life.

Caroline Lloyd

How we work together

We will meet for an initial consultation of 75 minutes to identify the problems, set goals, take a history, and start the resourcing process. The Intensive itself goes for 3-4 hours, usually on a Saturday morning, in person, and this is when we do the transformational work. Followup is via an appointment of 75 minutes a fortnight or so later.

How we work together

We will meet for an initial consultation of 75 minutes to identify the problems, set goals, take a history, and start the resourcing process. The Intensive itself goes for 3-4 hours, usually on a Saturday morning, in person, and this is when we do the transformational work. Followup is via an appointment of 75 minutes a fortnight or so later.

Caroline Lloyd

Intensives are fantastic for people who:

► Dont have the time in their busy week to squeeze in a regular appointment, but can allocate a weekend where they attend a 4 hour session (ie busy mums, people with demanding jobs, shift work or frequent travel) 
Are committed to quick change rather than gradual modification (ie want to stop sabotaging behaviours now)
► Prefer not to wait 3-6 months for a regular time slot to become available (ie want to resolve birth trauma to bond with their baby now, not wait for 6 months before appointments become available)
► Need to resolve a particular issue within a timeframe (ie resolve a fear of work caused by previous workplace bullying)
► Need to stop the downward spiral (ie health anxiety about an upcoming test progressing to panic attacks and agoraphobia )

Some problems are not suitable for Intensives, so please contact me to discuss your individual needs. 

Get in touch.

During and After your Intensive

Both the Therapist and Client work hard during these sessions, in order to accomplish your goals, and the results can be really impressive. As there is much less time spent on catching up with the weeks news, settling in to the session, reviewing/giving homework and wrapping up the session, the whole time is spent on high value therapeutic work, so results follow the focussed effort.

Intensives are currently booked for Saturday morning 9-1pm. It is recommended to rest for the remainder of the weekend following your Intensive, to give your brain time to settle and adapt prior to getting back to work or other duties the following week.

EMDR Intensives

The cost of your intensive will vary according to the time allocated.
From October 2023, the sessions will be charged at $300 per hour.
The initial consultation of 75 minutes is $300.
Once we have discussed your needs, we can decide together on a plan as to how many hours we will commit to.
There will be a booking fee of 50% of the total fee in order to secure your time slot.
The remaining fee is payable at the conclusion of the Intensive.
A cancellation fee of $200 applies if the booking is cancelled within 7 days of commencement.
There is a Medicare rebate for each session of $191.
No Private Health Insurance rebates apply.
The follow-up session is also 75 minutes and the charge for this is $300 as well, with a rebate of $191.

Half Day Intensive – initial introductory session, one 4 hour block, follow up session, workbook $1800

Get in touch to make a booking

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Meet your EMDR therapist:

Hello and Welcome!

I’m Dr Caroline Lloyd. 

My passion is to help  people overcome their trauma history using this magnificent therapy called EMDR. Without the heavy load of trauma memories, people find they are able to live a more peaceful, fulfilling life - they sleep better, their relationships are closer and more calm and loving, they are more confident in their daily life and more able to negotiate difficulties that come up every day for all of us. I love witnessing the changes that happen when my clients first realise that they no longer are bound to the emotion of their memories. They stop being hyper vigilant, nightmares disappear, they can feel safe again. This is my joy and mission - to help as many people unburden from trauma as possible. 

As a GP for over 25 years, I have seen a lot of the effects of trauma - ill health, poor sleep, addictions, depression and anxiety. I became interested in Mental Health early in my career. For some 20 years now I have also worked in Bariatric medicine, helping people lose weight, and my curiosity around food addiction led me further down the path of my mental health practice. I learned hypnosis to help my eating disordered clients, and finally enrolled in a Masters of Counselling. Whist doing my practical placement with a family violence organisation, I was introduced to trauma treatments and EMDR in particular, and was instantly hooked on the results my clients were enjoying. Since then it has become my passion and obsession! I consider myself extraordinarily lucky to be  able to work with clients in such a fulfilling joyful way. 

I look forward to meeting you and assisting you with your individual struggles. 

Caroline Lloyd